( Formerly Known as Smt. M. M. Shah Mahila Arts College, Kadi )

Opp. Highway Petrol Pump, KADI - 382715 | Dist : Mehsana (N.G) | PH : (02764) 242072
Time :- 7.30 a.m to 1:30 p.m | Visitors - 100630
Email Id :- [email protected]

Principal Message

Dr. Hina M. Patel

Principal Of The Mahila Arts College.

Dr.Hina M.Patel Born on 3rd November, 1969. She has a Schooling at A.G. Higher Secondary School, Ahmedabad, Graduate in Economics at St.Xavier’s College, Ahmedabad, Master’s Degree in Economics at Gujarat University, School of Social Sciences, M.Phil Degree in Economics at Gujarat University, School of Social Sciences, and Doctorate in Economics at Bhavnagar University Department of Commerce, Bhavnagar with Twenty three years of teaching experience at under Graduation Fifteen years Experience at Post Graduation level. She is working as a Principal at Smt. M.M.Shah Mahila Arts College, Kadi. She is also interested in International Economics, Micro Economics, Management and Planning, Administration, Guidance and Counseling and Research Methodology.

Dr. Patel is Ph.D Guide and author of several books. There are Ph.D Scholars Under guidance of Dr. Hina Patel. She has published twenty seven research papers/ articles in reputed Education Journals and also resented Sixteen papers at State, National and International Level Seminar/ Conferences. She Delivered lectures in various topic at Seminar, Symposia, BISAG and other achievements is First Prize for Research Paper on “Gujarat Na Arthkaran Ma Vishisht Arthik Vistaro(SEZ) Ni Shakya Prapyata” in the State Level Seminar at School of Social Sciences, Ahmedabad by Gujarat University Teacher’s Association on the 8th February,2008 she has also Passed Gujarati and English Typewriting Examination fromGSC, Ahmedabad. She was Passed CCC+ Exam from SPIPA, Ahmedabad and Passed SCOPE A2 & B1 Level she Head of the institute of the Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University Study Centre 1304 Since 2009 also Her Minor Project on “A Study of oil Mills and Its Effects on the Employment and labors in kadi Taluka” Minor Research Project : F.No.23-2843/11(WRO), 16th March 2012,UGC, Sectioned Amount 70,000/-. Giving Service as a Resource Person in National Seminar on “Emerging Trends In Service Sector” (ETSS-2014) at Lala Lajpatrai College of Commerce & Economics, Mumbai, on 10th January,2014 and also Giving Service as a Member in International Advisory Committee in International Conference on “Global Transformation: It Impacts on Economics, Commerce and Management “Organized by Lal Lajpatrai College of Commerce, Mumbai. She has Successfully Completed “Mass Programme for Functional Literacy”, Organized by The Department of Adult and Continuing Education And Extension, During Year 1988-1989. Dedicated to Social Service by providing education to the slum children of the Gulbai Tekra Area, ahmedabad for Five Years.

She was Member of Board of Study in Subject of Banking, Cotton and Transport in Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar During-2004-2008 and Member in Gujarat University Economics Study Circle, Ahmedabad. Her hobbies: – Reading Traveling, Music & Research Works.